Market Harborough report

Golf Scores below. We've been trying drastically to think of memorable events from this weekend (apart from the Hotel Barman who wanted us to do everything his way or not at all)

Things that stick in my mind :-

Bomber with his phone glued to his ear talking to Madonna

Saturday meal at Rio Bravo

Dave "Fat Belly" Townsend, knocking Dick "even fatter belly" Jones back into the waiting arms of the Pub Bouncers.

Dave trying to chat up the "not quite certain about their sexuality guys" by following them up into the Gent's toilet, closely followed by the two bouncers who'd caught Dick a few minutes before

Same pub, same Dave at his Karaoke best. As soon as he started singing the CGS went and sat outside. Come on guys, where's the Love?

Same pub, same Dave, when the thin veneer of Dave's narcissistic tendencies finally wore through to reveal a set of gnashers that the Bee Gee's would have been proud of. See what I did with the play on the word veneer?

I thinks that there was a pub called the Red Cow, which had 2 very attractive barmaids, but no decent beer

If you do have any concrete memories that you want to be included, let me know, because it may trigger a few more.

Pos Member Score
1 Kev Havlin 24
2 Dave Townsend 21
3 Dick Whittington 19
4 Ian Wilson 18
5 Del Wooley 16
6 Angus Gibbins 9
7 Dick Jones 7

Longest Drive - I R Wilson

Nearest the Pig - I R Wilson

Pairs Competition - I R Wilson and R A Whittington

Most money spent on Bribes - I R Wilson

Pos Member Score
1 Angus Gibbins 37
2 Dick Whittington 34
3 Kev Havlin 31
4 Ian Wilson 25
5 Del Wooley 28
6 Dave Townsend 27
7 Dick Jones 22
8 Phil Smith 9

Just needed an excuse to include the image below. This is Bomber helping the Committee search for the scores from this weekend "Nope, still can't see them!"

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