Ever wondered what some of those obscure golfing terms you hear now and again actually mean? Well wonder no more!

CGSworld.co.uk brings you the definitions you've always pondered about. Read on.

A Nipple Licker
A shot that opens up the hole

A Diego Maradonna
Very, very nasty little five footer

A Rock Hudson
You thought it was straight, but it wasn't

A Salman Rushdie
An impossible read

A Ladyboy
Looks like an easy hole, but all may not be what it seems

Putting like a gynaecologist's assistant
Shaving the hole (sometimes referred to as a Brazilian)

An Adolf Hitler
Taking two shots in a bunker

An Arthur Scargill
A great strike, but a poor result

A Kate Winslett
A bit fat but otherwise perfect

A Rodney King

An O.J. Simpson
Somehow got away with it

A Condom
Safe, but didn't feel very good

A Sister-in-law
It's up there but you know that it shouldn't be

A Kathy Freeman
Ugly as fuck, but runs and runs and runs

A Kate Moss
A bit thin

A Sven Goran Erikson
Selecting the right club

A Sharon Stone
A fair crack up the middle

A Townsend
You don't like the sound, or the look, of it but it turns out to be OK in the end

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