A Nipple Licker A shot that opens up the hole
A Diego Maradonna Very, very nasty little five footer
A Rock Hudson You thought it was straight, but it wasn't
A Salman Rushdie An impossible read
A Ladyboy Looks like an easy hole, but all may not be what it seems
Putting like a gynaecologist's assistant Shaving the hole (sometimes referred to as a Brazilian)
An Adolf Hitler Taking two shots in a bunker
An Arthur Scargill A great strike, but a poor result
A Kate Winslett A bit fat but otherwise perfect
A Rodney King Over-clubbed
An O.J. Simpson Somehow got away with it
A Condom Safe, but didn't feel very good
A Sister-in-law It's up there but you know that it shouldn't be
A Kathy Freeman Ugly as fuck, but runs and runs and runs
A Kate Moss A bit thin
A Sven Goran Erikson Selecting the right club
A Sharon Stone A fair crack up the middle
A Townsend You don't like the sound, or the look, of it but it turns out to be OK in the end