The 9-hole competition was held on Friday at the Rustington Golf Centre, Angmering. As usual, we did the right thing and met up in a pub, the Windmill Inn in Rustington itself. Players who were intending to have a decent round were few and far between judging by the amount of beer consumed. The fevered shout of "We've got time for one more haven't we?" was heard at least a couple of times - for once I didn't care because I wasn't playing! The highlight, for the fashion conscious, was the distribution of the Official CGS Polo shirts, emblazoned with the image of Society pet Boyle the Pig, to be worn for the Suckling Pig Trophy match on the Saturday. Once we eventually got to the Golf Centre the heavens had decided to open, sending a few people into the Club shop, trying to buy an umbrella. Prices ranged from £3.99 to £30! Needless to say we all went for the £3.99 version - not smart! By the end of the first hole mine had turned itself inside out and stripped the fabric from the metalwork. Could have been worse, it could have been the £30 job. I'm not certain how many people actually enjoyed that particular round of Golf. Bomber excelled himself by tending to play 5 off the tee at most holes due to the very tight out of bounds on just about every hole, evidenced by his paltry Stableford score. To be fair, he wasn't the only one out of sorts. DLT played a blinder to win the day with a stableford score of 22 and received a handicap cut to 44 for his trouble. AS there was no time for a full presentation back at the the Grand Victorian, and I didn't have a decent picture of the shield without Angus' mighty mits spoling the outline, I've had to use Dave's head on Angus' body for the picture. Something to aspire to Dave? I promise to do you a proper picture next trip Dave, otherwise you'll think we're out to get you. The committee are frantically concocting some way to stop the boy doing the hat trick at the next CGS outing. I can point them at the CONGU Unified Handicapping System (yes, it's real!) which may give them a few clues, e.g. increasing the handicap for ageing members, no self interest there at all!. |