One four-ball and 2 three-balls set off at 11:30 fully focused on the winning of the famous trophy. The weather forecast was mixed, with the promise of sunny intervals, conditions perfect for those who can play determined to prove that their form of Friday was an aberration.
Bomber & Angus had not been on their usual top form in the Friday 9-hole competition and both were to prove the doubters, who thought they were over the hill, wrong. Bomber was driving with his usual power and due to the total lack of out of bounds markers on this course, his ball was inevitably in play and a long way from the tee. Angus appeared to have overcome his new club nerves and was also playing well. Dark-horse Lofty Wray was however playing with a cool confidence, belying the shocking state of his knees and other seized up bits, while the fourth member of the leading group, Kev Havlin was playing some good golf, making light of his high handicap within the CGS and proving that lessons do in fact pay dividends. Of course proper members regard this as cheating.
The second group off consisted of three SHIT golfers (meant in the nicest possible way). DLT, the winner of yesterday's 9-hole competition and part time member of the Cannock Taliban was again looking strong, while Kev Ryan was also hitting some very good shots and, with improvement in the putting department, would have walked away with the SHIT trophy (thinking about it he didn't win the trophy, but he did walk away with it!). The final member of the threesome, Pete Brew, last year's Suckling Pig Trophy winner, was also playing some supreme golf, but his low handicap in comparison with the other two bandits would mean that he probably wouldn't get his hands on the SHIT and having seen some of the competition, would struggle to retain his beloved pig. I think his wife Jeanette will have been upset too, despite rumours to the contrary.
The final three-ball consisted of the Committee, PFL Phil Smith and Society Chairman Ian Wilson, together with the token good golfer in the group Del 'Derek' Woolley. Phil is another one battling against stiff joints and hair-loss, so it's not surprising that he wasn't able to come up with his "A" game. His second 9 particularly showed how he's slowing up, but he didn't stop trying throughout which is what we would expect from the oldest player on view today. We need to get Phil back in the Hemel environs, so that he can get himself out on the course in order to start once again playing to his handicap. Ian was his usual whirlwind all-action self and another who overcame major injury this season to return a very creditable score. Star of the group was undoubtedly Del, who was launching his massive frame into every shot he took and as he left the 18th green, I think that there were a few of us who fancied this other dark hung like a horse to win the competition.
In an incredibly tight finish Del & Lofty tied on 34 Stableford points, with Lofty being adjudged the winner on countback with a better score on the 18th Hole.The Nearest the Pig Competition was won by the unlucky Del, while Angus actually sent one down straight to record the Longest Drive win.
One point to note is that every single player scored more points than they did at Poole last year (especially Del, who wasn't at Poole). KevR & KevH increased their scores by 17 & 15 points respectively.
Links Stuff
Saturday's Final Points Tally
Kevin Wray
Delvin Woolley
Angus Gibbins
Pete Brew
Ian Wilson
Dave Townsend
Dick Whittington
Kev Ryan
Kev Havlin
Phil Smith