Social Disorder in Worthing?
Are we getting older or just too tired? Or was it the quick six pints before the 9-hole tournament which left everyone a little jaded on the Friday night?
Or maybe it was just the atmosphere in the Grand Victorian? The Friday evening started with the announcement of the winning scores by the committee, with no real presentations on offer. Food was ordered from the bar (with mixed reviews, I vaguely remember something from the Commonwealth, but whether it was Kangaroo or Ostrich, I thought it wasn't bad)while we awaited the start of the
England v. Tonga Rugby World Cup game, which England went on to win 36-20, a deserved result. An old man, feeling under the weather went to bed early while the rest of the group went out to sample the delights of Worthing Town Centre. Having not found any delights, they ended up in Bar Breeze on the seafront,which induced a spot of narcolepsy in DLT (he'll never be able to take the piss out of Asteroid again!). After Bar Breeze closed 2 or 3 hardy souls went to the nightclub linked to the Grand Victorian and found they had just doubled the attendance. They soon gave up and followed the sensible ones to bed.
Saturday followed (as it inevitably does after a Friday) and to be fair, it was better. Following the presentation of the Suckling Pig Trophy by the Committee (henceforth known as the Vengaboys) we had a couple of drinks and shovelled pork scratchings down our necks and decided on an early dinner. Ian had found out, from a friendly taxi driver, the name of the best curry joint in town - The Mahaan. If you check out their web site, it's world famous in Worthing, the destination of a-list celebrities - why they feature Vanessa Feltz on the site can only be guessed at. As usual, Curries with the CGS can be an experience you'd like to forget, but this time we were out-obnoxioused, by a bunch of trainee twats, in terms of noise, foul language and generally getting up everyone's noses - the waiting staff couldn't give a  toss! The lads did let themselves down at the end though by apologising - to us! Anyway everything was going well until Dave decided to share his dinner with Lofty's head - now I knew we were on a CGS curry night! Once again the staff just laughed it all off! What do you have to do to upset these people? What sort of animals do they normally get in there before they'll say you've gone too far? At the end of the meal, we did the usual CGS runner (after paying the bill) to the Pub next door, the Rose & Crown.
 Ah, the Rose & Crown. The one time we've seen the Trainee Member scared shitless by a woman! Most of us didn't see the start of the conversation as we were sitting outside enjoying a cigarette and polite conversation, but after 2 -3 minutes of Dave being out-Daved by this harridan, he insisted she come outside and meet his chums. Once deposited with us, he scampered back inside, chuckling away at his merry jape. Bastard! Never have I met such a horrible person as this woman. I think I've blocked out the incident as I can't remember exactly what it is she said or did which was so outrageous, I just know that she was an overweight foul-mouthed opinionated thing who kept her cigarettes and lighter inside her bra and she wasn't even a native of Worthing, so she can't use that as an excuse! Never have I come so close to giving up smoking! Luckily she realised she'd outstayed her welcome and moved on to the the next bunch of poor saps.
The final port of call of the evening was once again Bar Breeze. As I hadn't seen it the night before, it was another new Worthing experience and we got 2 more sleepers!. Nothing bad to say apart from the fact that they closed too early. After an argument outside the bar as to whether to walk or take a taxi, we all made our way back to the Grand Victorian.
Not necessarily the best CGS weekend, and I think it's convinced the Committee that smallish UK seaside towns, out of season, are not really the best destinations for a bunch of young studs out on the town. Or even for the CGS. Strangely, it was still a really enjoyable couple of days.
Bar Breeze effect. You could never call these three lightweight! Could you?